I posted Rob Miller’s
insightful blogs here and here on TLE – Teacher Leadership Effectiveness program,
designed, IMHO, as a way to intimidate teachers, overwork administrators, and
label educators as failures when observations are linked to student test scores,
in the failed practice called Value-Added Measures, or VAM. Other states and
cities have used VAM teacher evaluation with disastrous effects, incorrectly labeling
excellent, award-winning teachers as bad teachers.
The research is clear…this
is rotten practice, but it goes along with Bill Gates’ hunches about getting
rid of bad teachers, and since Gates’ hunches and experiments run US
educational policy, state politicians have jumped on the bandwagon. And as that
has happened, Gates has backed away from some of his earlier enthusiasm. No
matter…we’re going full speed ahead on a failed practice.
We in OK have tried to
communicate with the policy makers running TLE, to no avail. We have shared
links to research, but it’s like they don’t care: “Don’t confuse me with the
facts, my mind is made up.” Policy makers are bound and determined to hold
teachers ‘accountable’ for student learning.
NEWSFLASH: standardized
tests measure innate abilities, parent socio-economic status. They predict the
score on the next standardized test. They were never designed to be anything
but a quick snapshot of ONE KIND OF learning. They are being abused by every
state that evaluates and assesses teachers or schools, or students. Policy
makers simply don’t care. They want to root out those lousy teachers and fire
them. To replace them…with whom? All the teachers who are knocking down the
doors of OK schools begging for jobs? Don’t our politicians know there’s a teacher
shortage? And, how do we assure those lousy teachers are replaced with
better ones? Don’t confuse them with facts. Their minds are made up.

I’ll be honest, TLE is
the reason I retired. I wasn’t afraid of being held accountable. I was
accountable to every one of my students (300+ a year), to their families. To my
department chair, my principals, and to the patrons of Norman Public Schools. I
was not afraid of being evaluated. I simply knew TLE would not evaluate my practice
or my influence on student learning with any accuracy . I knew it was junk
science put in place by non-educators, with no research base. I could walk
away, and I did. Throughout my 39-year career, I saw wrong-headed reforms and
good reforms come and go. I wrote
about it a few years ago.
I could walk away.
I did walk away.
My friends and
colleagues cannot.
Today I received the
following message from an online friend. I have permission to share one teacher’s
experience. Again, teachers are not afraid of being evaluated. We see effective
evaluation as a way to grow. That’s why I pursued National Board Certification.
I wanted to challenge myself with the highest standards in my profession.
One teacher’s story:
I was excited for
TLE. I thought, for once, I would get some positive feedback as to how to
improve. I know I am a good teacher. I constantly strive to improve, because I
have weaknesses.
I was fearful of getting a 3...knew I was not deserving of a
5. Yes, I got a 4, but every standard my principal marked as low I thought was
my strength. What was high was my weakness.
Then I spoke with teachers from other schools. At the TLE
training, they were told if you give a 2 or a five there is an extensive
documentation and additional paperwork. So good or bad, A school or F school
teachers get 3 or 4.
In defense of the principals....how long has it been since
they were in the classroom? How do they have time to evaluate teachers, deal
with parents, students, discipline...etc. my principal also teaches 2 hours a
day. Because of lack of funding, schools cannot hire assistant principals. Who
should evaluate? I believe that each school should have a curriculum specialist
who attends a specified number of workshops in every area throughout the year
in order to stay abreast of change. I think they should attend free if charge
and at the expense of the SDE.
As it is TLE is a useless
tool. Many teachers are assessed by people who are not qualified to access
curriculum. I relate it to doctors. If your medical specialty is podiatry...I
would not use you as my oncologists. Or have a podiatrist evaluate an
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