Teacher shortages are real. They are impacting our children.
Speaker Jeff
Hickman recently penned an opinion
piece for the Daily Disappointment Oklahoman that reveals future strategies of school reformers. It is the blueprint for their response. We would be wise
to study it.
First he
calls the reports of teacher shortages, “claims”. Words matter, and his choice is deliberate.
He chooses to negate the concern by calling them claims. “Claim” is defined as
a statement that has no evidence to support it, where truth is in doubt. So, in
his first sentence he argues that the teacher shortage is disputed, and that
schools have not provided evidence of the shortage.
Great way to
begin a serious discussion about our kids’ future, huh?
All those
statements about teacher shortages are claims. Not fact. Claims, which in the
second part of his first sentence, are all about more money for teacher
salaries. His subtle ‘education
organizations’ will be easy to trace. So, a not-so-subtle attack on education
organizations. Only his first. Not his last.
I would say
as truth that there is a national
teacher shortage…reformers have, for years, waged war on educators and this
is the result. Teachers leaving, teachers (like me) retiring rather than face
the mess. Teachers moving to other states. And, worst of all, prospective
teachers choosing other careers. Reformers have crowed for years that public
education is failing, and teachers are to blame. Was this their end game, to
create the climate where there are no teachers? So now their claims of failing
schools is now reality, backed by evidence? My cynical heart thinks there is
more than a bit of truth here. I’m not the only one who thinks this might all
be deliberate. Here’s
an article about Kansas, one of Rep. Hickman’s great examples.
Then Rep.
Hickman attacks local school boards…saying they choose NOT to pay their
teachers more, but they could do that if they really valued their teachers. He
then launches onto his next attack: administrative costs. Not a new argument –
claim, might I say? If I had a nickel for every time I’ve addressed this claim
with evidence. Here.
And here.
No, we are not draining education funding with administrative costs. No, we don’t
need to consolidate administrations or create county school districts. I suggested
to my new State Senator that if new funding for school could truly not be found
(stop the tax cut. Stop the tax cut. Stop the tax cut), perhaps all unfunded
mandates to schools could be immediately ended. That would go a long way to
reducing the administrative costs of our districts. What I’m about to say is a
claim, since I don’t have the evidence to back it up. It is my hunch that
school districts have had to increase non-teaching administrative costs to deal
with federal and state mandates. Someone must oversee these demands, cross the
t’s. Someone must deal with the sea of papers and requirements. The
consequences of mistakes in dealing with mandates could be catastrophic. But,
this is only a claim, an opinion.
So, Rep.
Hickman, I suggest again. End all unfunded mandates to schools and let’s see if
my claim can be proved. Let’s see if that could slow some administrative costs.
And please read Okeducationtruth’s
latest piece for much more information about administrative mandates and the
costs they demand.
Let’s also
remember, classroom aides are considered ‘administrative costs.’ One way to
respond to the teacher shortage is to add more students to a class, and give
the class an aide to assist the over-burdened teacher. Rep. Hickman is
attacking these aides who are trying to support our teachers.
next argument is to do away with the state teacher salary schedule. His claim
is this is the reason our teachers make less than in other states…it’s the
salary schedule! And he uses that $44,000 average salary figure…I challenge you
to ask a random group of teachers if they make the average salary…I know I didn’t
until I had over 20 years of experience. Here’s the dirty secret of teacher
salaries…districts get to add all the benefits and insurance amounts to the top…and
then whisk them away when real dollars come to play. Our salaries are padded
with our insurance benefits. That number is NOT what teachers live on.
Speaking of
teacher salaries, why do young teachers with children qualify for food stamps
with their padded salaries? Why are we asking our educators to take on student
loans to begin their career qualifying for welfare benefits? No claim. I know
teachers who had to use these benefits to make ends meet so they could go to
work, teaching our children.
Hickman brings
up the idea of merit pay, without ever calling it that. He says we must move
away from the ‘century-old’ practice of paying teachers for education and
experience…and we must ‘move toward a teacher compensations model that rewards excellence,
incentivizing outstanding teachers to stay longer.’ Couple of questions. Who
defines ‘excellence’ in this model? Is he, as I fear, talking about test
scores? What is an ‘outstanding’
teacher? I can answer that second question for him.
The state
DID have a program to reward accomplished teachers who went above and beyond.
National Board Certified Teachers were given a stipend after certification. They
were expected to stay in the classroom as full time teachers, in public
schools. This program allowed me to stay in a profession that underpaid me for
39 years. I was able to contribute something more to my family, and justify my
decision to stay in the classroom, making thousands of dollars less than other
college-educated professionals. Even though I knew I would never get rich as a
teacher, my decision affected my entire
family. Now this program is another of
the unfunded mandates pushed onto districts. Now, instead of an NBCT receiving a
$5000 stipend for holding his or her practice up to the most stringent
standards in the profession and reflecting on his or her contributions to
student learning, new NBCTs will, maybe, possibly, receive a $1000 salary bump…IF
the school district doesn’t pay above that pesky state salary schedule.
Unfunded mandate. Instead of the state providing those funds directly to
teachers (Well, not exactly. Given to districts which took out taxes and FICA),
now districts are expected to come up with the funds.
So, pay ‘excellent…outstanding’
more, based on some rationale to-be-announced…later. Just trust us.
Rep. Hickman
envisions (claims) a future where there is no state salary schedule, where each
district can now use their money (after getting rid of all the administrators)
to compete for those teaching superstars who would be like NBA free agents.
Competition! That’s what’s needed. Does he not know districts already pay above
the state minimum, and teachers can shop around for higher salaries?
I wish I had
the expertise to address his ‘free agent’ argument. From the little I know, don’t
teams have to shuffle other players, let some go, in order to offer those
contracts to super star players? Is this the future Hickman sees? Won’t that
exacerbate the teacher shortage? Is he buying into Bill Gates’ claim that a
super star teacher could easily handle 50+ in a classroom?
The state
has actually given us a test-case for their super star NBA free agent scenario
(claim). Will NBCTs now be sought out, now that districts know they will cost
more? Will NBCTs see certification as a way to contribute to their families and
their professions?
So, back to
Rep. Hickman. In his opinion piece, he attacks school boards and administrative
costs. He attacks un-named education organizations. They are the problem.
He seems to
offer as solutions, merit pay and competition. They are the answer.
We would be
wise to be watching for these ‘solutions’ in the next Session. I’ll be interested in seeing if the very real
#oklaed teacher shortage is addressed at all.
In the
meantime, the teacher shortage is real. NO CLAIM.
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