When I taught I took pride in my attempts to create a safe
climate…a classroom of mutual respect where mistakes were learning
opportunities, where we worked together, asked questions, and accepted each
other. I loved standing in the halls between classes and dubbed those kids who
were not in my class, “Hallway buddies.”
I tried to be alert to those troubling undercurrents in
class…the sidelong glances, the arch smiles. The clenched fists, the fierce
stares. I tried to address behavior that could be seen as intimidating
I tried. I read, I studied. I attended workshops about how
to identify and prevent bullying in the classroom.
The last few years of my career, online bullying became a
huge issue that spilled into the classroom…and since I’ve left, it has only
gotten worse. The stories my high-school and middle-school Grands tell me curl
my toes. Fake instagram accounts, Twitter used to harass.
Crimes committed away from school become school issues when victims
and perpetrators…and their friends…all attend school together.
Earlier this school year, my Grand’s high school, Norman
High, was rocked by conflict involving young women who had to attend school
with the young man who raped them until he was withdrawn and arrested. The girls
were stalked by the young man’s friends, called names, and forced to navigate a
double degradation. They felt as if their attempts to reach out to school
officials were unsuccessful.
AllDaughters was born as a grass-roots advocacy group supporting the girls,
and NPS responded to the subsequent rally by establishing a task force to insure
the safety of all students.
I wrote
about school bullying in response to this event, and was contacted by a
representative of an online company who sells protection
packages to school districts. I’m not sure this is the answer…but might it
be an answer?
Very recently, attacks
on girls from Moore, also off campus, have brought this issue to our
attention again.
In this current Legislative Session, there are several bills
dealing with professional development, with curriculum in elementary
classrooms, and with response programs. Griffith
and Floyd’s HB1362, Denney’s and Griffin’s HB1684 (Erin’s Law), and Denney’s
and Shaw’s SB303 will all affect our work in the classroom if passed.
My frustration with my inability, and schools’ inability to
keep students safe, emotionally and physically, spurred me to volunteer to
moderate an #oklaed chat. I want to combine the wisdom of parents, teachers, administrators,
citizens. I want to learn what works and what doesn’t. I want to compile a list
of resources school districts have found helpful in their efforts to identify,
prevent, and respond to school bullying.
We all know society will not miraculously change, become a
kinder, more accepting, more supportive place. We all know nearly a quarter of
our children live in grinding poverty, with all the uncertainty that brings
into their families. We know children come to us in the public schools with all
the baggage of their young lives. But we know our mission is to educate, to
give students options, to keep them safe, to model a positive way to face and
overcome conflicts. We know policy makers will expect more and more from us,
but we must continue to seek ways to make our schools safer for all our
students, not because a Legislator thought it would look good to his
constituents, but because it’s the right thing to do for our students. Because
we’re educators.
With that as my goal, here are my questions for the #oklaed chat tomorrow…If you plan to
join us, please bring ideas about helpful resources or books or links or
policies or products. Our expertise is vast, and we can help each other if we
combine our forces.
#Oklaed Chat 3/1
School Bullying
1. Please introduce yourself, tell your connection
to #oklaed and your current positionSchool Bullying
2. How does bullying in schools affect you in your role as parent, teacher, administrator?
3. In what ways do conflicting points of view between educators and parents complicate all our efforts to prevent and deal with bullying?
4. What procedures does your school have in place to work with bullying children and bullied children? How well are they communicated to all stakeholders?
5. How do you deal with bullying that begins OUTSIDE the school and affects school climate, such as bullying on social media?
6. Two recent cases in Norman and Moore have made the news, with sexual assaults outside of school affecting the education experience of students. What plans does your district have in place to prevent or respond to such emergencies?
7. What are your concerns and your hopes related to the proposed legislation concerning bullying prevention?
8. Share a success your school has had working with families of kids who bully or are bullied. Or share a success your family has had working with schools.
9. What resources have proved successful in dealing with bullying in #oklaed? I will compile our list and share.
So join us Sunday night at 8pm on Twitter, and help find solutions. Use the #oklaed hash tag to participate in our conversation.
I’ve begun a list of resources and books here…and am eager
to add more.
Bees and Wannabes, by Rosalind Wiseman
Odd Girl Out,
by Rachel Simmons