
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Self-inflicted Wound...Teachers, We Have Hurt Ourselves

Teachers have unwittingly contributed to the recent attacks on our profession by not becoming political, not being active and involved. These attacks and the damages they’ve done to public education are, therefore, self-inflicted wounds. The question is, will we staunch the bleeding or sit helplessly by and allow the damage to continue?

By nature, we teachers are  apolitical. Since we work with all children every day we try to balance and respect the views of our students, their parents and our administration. That balancing act demands that we not take sides in the classroom, be open and accepting of all, as we teach our students to analyze ideas, and points of view through close reflection.

We are engulfed by the demands of our jobs – with planning, delivering instruction, revising, teaching, assessing, planning, instructing, revising…Our teaching life is more than a full-time job, and often we’re so weary we hesitate to take on ‘one more thing.’

After 39 years in the classroom, voting in every election, being the best citizen-teacher I could be, I decided teachers cannot afford to sit quietly on the sidelines, voting, but not speaking up. Or worse, not voting, or worst, not even registering to vote.

Today, teachers’ very apolitical stance, our acquiescent silence, is being used against us, and more critically, against the students we teach.  Policymakers count on most of us staying quiet.

One statistic I’ve heard suggests only 30% of the teachers in Oklahoma even vote. Another, quoted in the offices of the OSDE, crowed over as excuses to marginalize teachers: ONLY 18% of educators voted state-wide when DDS Barresi was first elected.

We have ceded our rights and our voice by not voting, or by voting without thoroughly checking out the platforms of candidates. We have allowed politicians to ignore stop listening to us. We have contrubuted to our own miseries...

Some of us, like some voters in general, vote straight party tickets without investigating the messages of candidates who become our elected leaders. Some of us vote for one knee-jerk issue that in no way actually impacts what really happens in our classrooms, issues that are used to manipulate and inflame.

So, if only 18% to 30% of teachers vote, we have given up our right to affect educational policy, and to share our expertise.

If only 18% to 30% of teachers vote, policymakers assume we’ll sit quietly as they attack our retirement programs, our professional organizations, and our commitment to our own personal and professional growth.
If only 18% to 30% of us vote, lawmakers assume we’ll accept laws that mandate more testing, more testing misused to promote students, to evaluate teachers and to grade schools. Lawmakers, many of whom have never taught a day in public schools now decide they know what and how we should teach, and they assume we will quietly continue working under a heavier and heavier burden of mandates.

We are teachers, and unfortunately, we have taught the wrong lesson: we're not interested in being involved, so we don't matter. 

It’s an ugly truth, but teachers must accept partial responsibility for the current anti-teacher, anti-education climate in our state, because we have been apolitical. We don’t vote, we vote without studying the issues.
We have elected, or allowed to be elected, lawmakers whose stated plan is to cripple public schools, to send public tax money to private schools, to encourage charters to squeeze public schools, to invite for-profit online schools to cannibalize our schools. We have allowed policymakers to label us as whiners when we point out the promises that have been broken. We sat still as teacher evaluations are now based on student test scores, when high stakes tests cripple the climate in our classrooms.

We are complicit. We have chosen not to vote, to not even register to vote. We have chosen to vote without investigating candidates’ motives.

Our current anti-teacher, anti-public education climate is, in part, a self-inflicted wound. Not only is the profession, and indeed, all of public education, bleeding, we stood still as it happened. We helped; we allowed others to damage our profession and the public education system we’ve devoted our lives to.  We did not protect ourselves and our students and our profession from attack.

Now, what’s our plan to heal the damage?

Matt Esker and I founded a FB page, Oklahoma Education Voters, where we identified common issues, we created a questionnaire for candidates, and we are compiling and sharing their reponses. Nearly 900 Oklahoma Education Voters are educating themselves on the issues that matter, and are being proactive

Mine is to continue contacting my legislators, to tell my story, to volunteer my expertise. I will educate myself about the legislation coming forward. I’ll confront my legislators about any involvement with ALEC, which writes much of the current legislation being passed around the country. I’ll get involved with candidates’ campaigns, volunteering time and donating money if I can.  I will ask questions. I’ll find other professionals who feel as passionately as I do, and I’ll work with them, together, for all students. I will be loud.

Teachers, what’s your plan?


  1. "Teachers have unwittingly contributed to the recent attacks on our profession by not becoming political, not being active and involved."

    Absolutely agree--though I'd also point out a lot of bad (and in some cases, just plain dumb) decisions by educational "leaders" haven't helped. The problems stem at the top; if "reform" is needed, it's there, not on the "front lines." The really bad news is that we're up against a colossus:

    Not surprisingly, all of these "reforms" seem to make things worse because they have nothing to do with improving education--they're about making money.

    "Our teaching life is more than a full-time job, and often we’re so weary we hesitate to take on ‘one more thing."

    Not to mention many are scared-to-death of losing their jobs, especially in this economy. (Ironic, given one of the clubs used against us is that apparently we "can't be fired"--we just don't know it, I guess?)

    1. Ellis, in OK, where I'm from, we elected a dentist who spent a couple of years in schools as a speech path years before...and her only connection with schools at all was to be on the Board of a charter school when it became apparent her sons were not faring well in public school. And yet, we voted her into office. She's been groomed by Jeb Bush and is an ALEC favorite. All this was common anyone who took the time to be informed and vote for education issues. That's my concern. Teachers didn't do their homework, and they flat-out didn't even vote. We don't risk our jobs by just voting. And most didn't even do that.

      We must be informed, proactive, and as you point out, brave. It's for our kids!! Thanks for finding my blog

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The blame is on us parents as well! We have all sat back and allowed this to happen, but enough is enough, the time is now to take action! Great message :-)

  4. Thank you...we need to vote for the issues we care about...and for me, that's education and our kids. I'll be sharing this again, closer to the primaries. You're right...we have to be proactive.
